Areas of Practice

Life Coaching & Excellence

The facts are that for many years, decades in fact, our education system has constantly stripped our convict landscape of quality. This country has always believed in egalitarianism. It’s part and parcel of our fabric. And that is a good thing. However, we believe that in pursuit of our socialist utopia where everyone and everything is deemed as “the same”, we have dumbed down to such an extent that all quality has been destroyed. We are left with an insipid and uninspiring canvas of blandness and mediocrity across the board. Since this is what happens when low standards are enforced by social engineers with Nazi like zeal, endlessly by politicians, and now by the cowardly and stupid corporate world, we of the convict streak are devoid of excellence where it matters. In constant pursuit of our utopian socialist agenda since Labor came to power in the early 1980s, followed by decades of the same pursuits, we have now entirely lost our way when it comes to striving to the top. Our life coaching aims to re-instil the values of excellence in all its forms so that our nation can achieve the best out of itself. We are particularly concerned with the total loss of all intellectual excellence, replaced with a nation which, devoid of any high intellect, merely “constructs”. The necessary ongoing pursuit of success involves intellectual construction rather than concrete construction in order for our convict nation to become great. It is true that we currently we sit at the bottom of the ladder in so many areas that matter in life which do not involve cement.

These two vital areas of human endeavour, “intellectual resilience and knowledge” are interchangeable. You cannot have one without the other. In this convict state, we have destroyed both. And the time has come to rebuild these two vital areas of human endeavour. All valuable knowledge has been completely wiped out in the endless pursuit of the destruction of the “patriarchy” and we are left with a vacuous infinity of nothingness therefore when it comes to intellectual resilience. Throughout the history of the world, we have witnessed, over and over again, the destruction of civilised societies by barbarians. Have no doubt in your convict minds that when you see historic statues being torn down, you are witnessing the physical equivalent of what the barbarians have done to education in the West. We call these feminists, female liars, gutless eunuchs, and mindless cement and concrete purveyors of garbage in the corporeal world “barbarian troglodytes”. They have been allowed to infiltrate the once fortified castles of our collective intellect and they need to be repelled with zeal and with force if necessary so that we can reclaim our connection with God.

Intellectual Resilience & Knowledge

The Wild West. Extreme competition. Pushing one’s physical body to the end of its capacity for endurance. Resilience. Blood and claret. But most of all, the venture always into the unknown. Q: what is it, on a worldwide basis, which attracts us always to sport? A: We never know what the result will be. So, it’s a microcosm of life. It’s a small window of reflection delivered to us in the unconscious knowledge that we do not know the result of our life here on earth. Always a talking point, no matter what your favourite sport is. A lifelong addiction to a team. Potential for the most extreme pain and disappointment you will ever experience. For years or decades on end. But then comes the reward. The final seemingly unreachable rise to the top… the victory of all victories… and perhaps more than one if you’re lucky. This is the heady, mind-blowing stuff of sport. We will be dedicating a whole page to our favourite football team in due course, since, like everyone else on the face of the earth, we are both masochists and sadists when it comes to this pastime. Experiencing success, failure, and everything else in between leads us, in terms of life coaching, to a very special form of resilience based on patience, one of life’s greatest assets for success.


Our experts recognise that film and TV are presently the current form of the museum, the gallery, the fine arts in our lives which are the most easily accessible to us. So, it is our firm belief that we can learn so much from the stories we digest when we sit down with our cup of coffee, tea, beer, wine, or something stronger at night. With so many digital channels to choose from in most developed countries these days and the growing number of streaming services like Netflix, Stan, Binge, Apple, Disney, Paramount etc on offer at Convict Streak HQ, there is always something on offer. Old DVDs still inspire. For, it is not the physical means of transmission that is important, it is the story, constantly replenishing our soul. As part of our life coaching, we’ll handle The Film Appreciation Society, an endless source of story, guidance, reflection, information, and inspiration on so many levels.

Film, TV & Streaming

Demystifying the world is part of our creative practice. It requires finesse, strategic planning, the finesse of a solid management plan with variations for endless unforeseen circumstances and, in many ways, great amounts of empathy for other unknown cultures never before experienced . At the end of the day, it’s all about intellectual and cultural flexibility but not in an academic, stuck within “four walls” way. Rather, it can be a practical and logistical nightmare often but the process of enduring reaps rewards that are the stuff of the sweetest, most fulfilling dreams and profound personal growth. Endurance of discomfort, shock, and the unexpected always yields the most fulfilling results. The unexpected and the unforeseen may become manifest in both positive or negative ways. For example, being stuck in an airport for days on end due to not being aware you have less than 6 months to run on your passport so you are denied entry into a country. On the other hand, how many lucky people have met their “life partner” while travelling or working overseas? Art, galleries, museums, containing the treasures of civilisation are grand. But it is the stuff of ordinary day living which truly fascinates Royce and Roxanne.


The internet, apps, software, and technology are so currently pervasive that we can’t remember having ever lived without them. Royce and Roxanne would also make the argument that they are also invasive. They make our lives simpler, but behind the iron curtain of technology they also present challenges, especially when it comes to privacy concerns. When you went to the record store not so long ago to buy your favourite vinyl LP, cassette, or CD, you were not subject to the prying eyes of Big Tech making surveillance of you and your tastes from everything from what you buy to what you like so that they can sell this information to third parties in order to make their billion dollar profits. Although makers of music technology have tried their best to provide much needed improvements in digitised truncated and compressed wave files, the fact remains that to the old ear, these compressed files sound like garbage and always will even with set of Yamaha or Bowers & Wilkins speakers. Here at Convict Streak, we pride ourselves in being leaders in helping engineers, inventors, and other music startup companies develop entrepreneurship in licensing, selling, and maintaining the broad sonic band that is analogue sound. We’ve also negotiated purchasing and partnership agreements for larger investment companies looking for their great unicorn of sound. We will continue to coach generations with severe arrested development in sound excellence (millennial troglodytes and others) what the joy of perfect sound entails. Our intention is that like a magnificent painting, or a perfect sculpture of antiquity, the human gift of excellence of the sonic will not be trampled upon by mindless vacant technological hooligans for “convenience’s sake”. “1000 songs in your pocket” has a long road of sonic destruction to answer for.


Whether you suffer from the extreme disabling and paralysing worry about “the planet”, an age old toxic effect of female “nesting syndrome” or just plain old black and white - all or nothing thinking, or the host of illogical thought processes which are the irrational base of all of our current society’s paralysing neurosis, devouring us all like a goul that has surfaced from the subterranean sewers of the city, we will tailor the right plan for your brain. Our tailored, structured programs are complete, emboldened throughout with guilt-edged excellence of thought and discipline of the mind. They include, in today’s sordid subterranean world of irrational and misguided scientifically toxic regimented thought, the requisite Big Brother permits, applications, insurance policies, and more, so you can finally worry less frantically about your liabilities and concentrate on growing as a distinct and powerful and unique human being. Our life coaching program known as “The Infinite Mind Program” entails tailoring your mental health plan to entirely minimise your extreme worry about what you may think, what you may say, and how you behave or seem to behave in the face of Big Brother’s government and corporate regulation where all freedom of thought is regimented and where logic is completely expunged to the jackboot of the steel-capped boot. We want you to be able to rest easy without having to gain solace from drugs or alcohol. Our role is to free up your mind in the face of Big Brother, to let your mind run free, to feel the intense love that flows from logic, reason, and honesty free of the innocuous toxicity of the steel-capped jackboot and, most of all, to introduce you to the new concept of holding a thought in your head that is not a catastrophic thought nor in the family of catastrophic thoughts. As such, as life coaches, in the knowledge that it is your brain which drives your train, we envisage a train of thought for you that is tailored and structured through a lengthy process of CBT or “cognitive behavioural therapy” that will necessarily be ongoing. As life coaches, our aim is for you to see the forest rather than the tree, the bigger picture which lives and resides within your own mind, rather than being bogged down by the tiresome regimentation and expungement process enforced by Big Brother. And, if you elect to stay with us long-term, you will be entirely set free by means of our methodology of excellence that is based on our “The Infinite Mind Program”. Welcome and enjoy your journey with us. Royce and Roxanne Maloney.

Mental Health