Whether you suffer from the extreme disabling and paralysing worry about “the planet”, an age old toxic effect of female “nesting syndrome” or just plain old black and white - all or nothing thinking, or the host of illogical thought processes which are the irrational base of all of our current society’s paralysing neurosis, devouring us all like a goul that has surfaced from the subterranean sewers of the city, we will tailor the right plan for your brain. Our tailored, structured programs are complete, emboldened throughout with guilt-edged excellence of thought and discipline of the mind. They include, in today’s sordid subterranean world of irrational and misguided scientifically toxic regimented thought, the requisite Big Brother permits, applications, insurance policies, and more, so you can finally worry less frantically about your liabilities and concentrate on growing as a distinct and powerful and unique human being. Our life coaching program known as “The Infinite Mind Program” entails tailoring your mental health plan to entirely minimise your extreme worry about what you may think, what you may say, and how you behave or seem to behave in the face of Big Brother’s government and corporate regulation where all freedom of thought is regimented and where logic is completely expunged to the jackboot of the steel-capped boot. We want you to be able to rest easy without having to gain solace from drugs or alcohol. Our role is to free up your mind in the face of Big Brother, to let your mind run free, to feel the intense love that flows from logic, reason, and honesty free of the innocuous toxicity of the steel-capped jackboot and, most of all, to introduce you to the new concept of holding a thought in your head that is not a catastrophic thought nor in the family of catastrophic thoughts. As such, as life coaches, in the knowledge that it is your brain which drives your train, we envisage a train of thought for you that is tailored and structured through a lengthy process of CBT or “cognitive behavioural therapy” that will necessarily be ongoing. As life coaches, our aim is for you to see the forest rather than the tree, the bigger picture which lives and resides within your own mind, rather than being bogged down by the tiresome regimentation and expungement process enforced by Big Brother. And, if you elect to stay with us long-term, you will be entirely set free by means of our methodology of excellence that is based on our “The Infinite Mind Program”. Welcome and enjoy your journey with us. Royce and Roxanne Maloney.